Vue.js and Drupal: a New(er) Way to Decouple


Vue.js is a younger JavaScript framework than the big names like Angular, React, and Ember. However, it already has a sizeable following, has a very positive developer experience, and is rapidly building momentum. Its creators pulled many of the things developers liked the most from Angular and React: a fast virtual DOM, reactive view components, and Angular-like HTML directives. They blended these together, and made them even better! As a result, Vue.js is lighter-weight, has a virtual DOM that’s even faster than React’s, and has a gentler learning curve.

This session will introduce you the Vue.js framework and why you might want to chose it for your next project. We will demonstrate creating a single page application, and how it can be integrated with Drupal as a backend. Embedding a Vue.js component as a block inside a Drupal website will also be discussed.

Attendees should have experience with ES6/ES2015 JavaScript. Some familiarity with another JavaScript framework may also be helpful.

Session Track


Experience Level


Drupal Version