The Web of Tomorrow: Better Faster Stronger
New capabilities are continually getting introduced to the tools that make up the web. This presentation will highlight new features that improve the performance, security, and capabilities of the web throughout the stack such as HTTP/2, Content Security Policy, and extensions to CSS3. The great news is that most of these features are already available and backwards compatible, so how you can start making use of them now to make a better experience for your users will be highlighted.
Topics covered may include:
- The move to secure by default, and using Let's Encrypt to add HTTPS to your website
- Is TLS fast yet? Reviewing the performance impact of better security.
- Overview of how HTTP/2 works, it's potential, and current limitations
- New HTTP headers to enable browser security features for protecting your users
- Can I use flexbox yet?
- Using CSS feature queries for cleaner and more reliable backwards compatibility
- The exciting opportunities of CSS Grid Layout
- Don't touch that cookie; local browser storage
- You might not need jQuery; common tasks now possible through vanilla JS