What's in a name - Building custom layouts with Paragraphs


Here is the problem… The marketing department has come to you asking for a new website feature. They need a Landing page that will allow them the flexibility to add any type of content (image, video, slideshow, text with image, etc). So that in itself isn't hard, right? Just add a bunch of fields to a content type; easily fixed!

Not so fast trusty site builder / developer friend.

They also want the layout of the page to be flexible and they want these page elements to appear in a different order on every instance of the landing page. Now what do you do?

Here enters the paragraph module and paragraph bundles. We will cover what a paragraph is and how we use them; the differences between Paragraphs and Field Collections and which one is better; how to use paragraph bundle elements and allow content editors to add them to content; and last but not least we will also look at two real life solutions to the problem described above. This talk will be geared towards site builders from beginner to intermediate and will assume you know how to setup a basic drupal site as well as install a module.


Session Track

Site Building

Experience Level


Drupal Version