Why care about accessibility? Because it’s a good thing…really!


As developers, we need to take seriously the topic of web accessibility in the sites and applications we build.

Our visitors could have a variety of limitations — blindness, senior citizens, reduced fine motor skills, or low vision, for example. The key of accessibility is access; let's build for the edge cases and make the best products we can for everyone.

Accessibility isn't limited to physical limitations, however. The number and types of devices that can access the web is growing. Accessibility and usability go hand-in-hand to create a great experience for all visitors.

Let's dig in together and make our web a better place for all.

What we will go over:

  • The difference between 508 and WCAG standards

  • Creating web accessibility standards for your company/organization

  • Coding the accessible way in your daily development

  • Drupal 7 and 8 tools/modules to help with accessibility

  • Browser-driven accessibility tools available to you

  • Demo of automated accessibility testing using the Pa11y tool


Session Track

UX/Content Strategy

Experience Level


Drupal Version