Taming the Project, an Agile Approach
Managing projects can be confusing and chaotic. Waterfall can help you define a project up front, but there is no such thing as a fixed scope. This is especially true in the world of digital experiences. Cowboy and Extreme programming can scare clients. It can lead to miscommunication. It does not have to be this way. Project management starts from initial client contracting right through to delivery of a system and support of that project. Effective project managers have made a science of mitigating risk, thrilling clients, managing budgets, and keeping projects on time. This session will draw on those arts.
We will talk about:
- How to embrace Agile
- Sprints can minimize risk and maximize client satisfaction
- Agile Scrum does not mean do not plan, it means plan smarter
- How to make sprints work in a services company
- How Epics, Stories, Tasks, and Pointing can lead to better results
Project management requires a blend of techniques and tools to effectively shepherd projects from ideation to release. We'll explore and discuss different tools that can help make your project successful. Lets get together and explore how a services company can effectively use the Agile Scrum Methodology from Epics, to Stories, to tasks, timeboxes, and more.