Hanover FG (LL2)
drupal cms (starshot)

End-to-end collaboration in Drupal with EditTogether

End-to-end collaboration in Drupal with EditTogether

Using open-source tools, the EditTogether module provides secure, real-time collaboration inside the Drupal editorial interface. Editors may update content simultaneously and leave threaded comments requesting clarifications or changes. And it all works with content moderation workflows!

Like content moderation, collaboration is a game-changing feature for Drupal as a Content Management System.
In this session, we'll cover the following elements:

A quick demo of collaboration features
- Editing
- Commenting
- Versioning
Introducing the tools required for collaboration
- Yjs as a stable dependency
- ProseMirror and the need for end-to-end data integrity
- WebRTC and signaling servers
Current state of the EditTogether module
- Installation requirements
- Service dependencies
- Roadmap to Beta release
- How how can contribute today
Open question and answer

By the end, you’ll have an understanding of how EditTogether looks and feels, what sorts of configuration options it offers, and how you can use it to streamline your content workflows. EditTogether is built to serve the Drupal community, so bring your thoughts and let’s chat about them!