Hanover FG (LL2)
site building

Paragraphs and Single Directory Components: A dynamic duo

Paragraphs and Single Directory Components: A dynamic duo

There are so many factors at play when implementing Drupal, so many possible combinations of strategies, user preferences, and technical decisions that simply making a choice and sticking to it is a big win. We think we've found one such approach and want to share it with you!

It's an approach that satisfies the whole team: front- and back-end developers, site editors, site owners, and site users. Paragraphs are used to enter and edit content in a structured way (easy content editing, based on structured data), and those paragraphs are styled and rendered using Single Directory Components (SDC), which are modular design elements, each containing its style, functionality and structure in a single directory. (intuitive front-end design and development) SDC only became a stable part of Drupal core in version 10.3, so the Drupal community is still discovering its power and is beginning to adopt this fresh design paradigm.

Join us as we describe and demonstrate the ins and outs, the highs and lows...the dynamic duo of Paragraphs and SDC in our Drupal site-building methodology.