Call for Training Proposals
NOTE: The deadline to submit a training proposal has passed.
DrupalCon trainings provide attendees with a full day of in-depth, hands-on experience. We’re looking for training partners to propose quality, in-demand trainings for the Minneapolis 2020 lineup.
Trainings have an extra fee beyond that of the main conference ticket. Trainers will receive a 50/50 share of the net revenue from their training. Each training team will receive one free ticket to the con.
We’d like trainings for each of our three main audiences: builders (including, but not limited to, front-end and back-end developers, site builders, UX designers, project managers), content and digital marketers, and agency leaders.
Review the information below before submitting your proposal. Send questions to
- Proposals open - June 24
- Proposals close - August 2 11:59pm CDT (UTC -5)
- Trainers notified - August 16
- Trainings - May 18 and 19, 2020 9am - 4pm
Trainer Expectations
- Sign a contract with the Drupal Association
- Assist in training marketing
- Develop five hours of training content
- Deliver an agenda, detailed set-up instructions, and other resources about six weeks before the conference
- Furnish all development environments and resources
- Arrange to bring one trainer for every 12 trainees
- Provide on-site set-up support starting at 7:30am on training day
- Abide by the DrupalCon Code of Conduct
Proposal Tips
- Review Seattle 2019 trainings for more context: builder, content and digital marketing, and agency leaders
- Review potential topics drafted by Seattle 2019 training attendees
- Strive for clarity and succinctness
- Define or avoid jargon
- Avoid pop culture references
- Uphold inclusive language
- Refrain from shaming competitors, tools, communities, etc.
Q: Do I have to be associated with a training company to propose a training?
A: No! We'd like trainers to have a history of developing and delivering trainings. Association with a training company is not required.
Q: What if I have an excellent proposal for a half-day training rather than a full-day training?
A: We're focused on securing day-long trainings however, let's talk!
Q: What if I don't intend to provide to more than one trainer (myself)?
A: Go ahead and submit your proposal!
Proposal Questions
- Title
- Abstract: Provide 2-3 sentences that sum up your training. Include the fundamental “why.”
- Description: Provide a 2-3 sentence introductory paragraph, plus a detailed description paragraph.
- Learning Objectives: List what an attendee can expect to take away from the event. Use action verbs (ex., “apply,” “build,” “develop,” etc.) rather than “learn” or “understand.”
- Agenda: Illustrate a well-paced, *tentative* schedule for the day. Note: Trainings typically run from 9am - 4pm with a 60 minute lunch break and two 15 minute coffee breaks.
- Experience Level: Beginner, intermediate, advanced
- Prerequisites What do registrants need to know in order to make the most out of this training? Note: A chief attendee complaint is that posted experience level and prerequisites do not match the on-site content.
- Target Audience: Who is the ideal attendee for this training?
- Dev Environments: List the platforms this training has been tested for.
- Additional Requirements: What hardware, software, accounts, etc. are needed? Note: Specific set-up instructions will be provided to registrants at a later date.
- Drupal Version
- Training History: Yes, we have run this training before either privately with clients or to students in a formal training capacity; No, we have not run this training before, but it will be field-tested prior to DrupalCon; No, we have not run this training before
- Training Improvements from Previous DrupalCons: If applicable, how will this training differ from that of previous DrupalCons?
- Trainer Count: Trainings must have a 12:1 student to teacher ratio. What is the max number of trainers you will provide? This is helpful for planning. Don’t feel pressured to list a number you’re not comfortable with.
- Trainer Experience: Demonstrate the quality of your training team, their training history, and experience with the proposed topic.
- Marketing Plan: How will you help promote your training?