Room 319-321
user experience, accessibility & design

10 Design Principles for Better UX and Accessibility

10 Design Principles for Better UX and Accessibility

Pulling insights from over 4,200 hours of UX research and accessibility training, Sandstorm will walk through real-world scenarios that can improve or hinder the user experience. A combination of visual website examples (including what to do and what not to do) and user statistics will empower attendees with the information they need to drive change within their organization and make their websites more inclusive and user-friendly. Why are auto rotators bad for usability and accessibility? Why is a button changing color on click not accessible? What is the ROI from UX?

Participants will walk away with a tangible list of quick wins and actionable to-dos to make their websites more usable, intuitive, and accessible for all.

Learning Objectives

1. Apply actionable insights to websites to make them more usable and accessible
2. Perform a high-level UX and accessibility audit
3. Provide executive leadership with data and statistics on the ROI and value of UX and why accessibility matters


how content management systems work


Pulling insights from over 4,200 hours of UX research and accessibility training, Sandstorm will walk through real-world scenarios that can improve or hinder the user experience. Participants will walk away with a tangible list of quick wins to make websites more usable and accessible.