Room 315-316
content & marketing

Audience Experience: The “WHY” of Content Management

Audience Experience: The “WHY” of Content Management

AX: Where strategy becomes narrative.

In this content strategy session, we talk about Audience Experience — the intersection of content strategy and content management — and how to enable your clients (or yourself!) to
- Create content strategy,
- Produce “good content,” and
- Get the most out of the technical framework you give them with Drupal.

Better content management and better content strategy both lead to better Audience Experiences. You’re the experts on making your CMS sing :-) … so let’s talk about purpose-driven content.

Content is at the center of the audience experience. No content, no experience, right?

Every website we build has a purpose: to communicate with our intended audience, offer them the chance to connect with us, and take an action we suggest. The better the experience, the more likely it is for us to find the people who want and appreciate what we have to offer.

If you accept this premise, all our decisions and efforts should be put through the lens of “How does this improve the Audience Experience?”

Takeaways + Questions Answered include
- Improve the Audience Experiences you deliver
- How do we define “good content”?
- How does a team achieve good content?
- How does your CMS/project support content strategy?
- Who is responsible for good experiences? (Divide and conquer!)
- How can you support your clients and teams in their mission to deliver good content?
- Yes, there will be handouts!

Learning Objectives

1. Apply objective criteria to improve Audience Experience through a structured approach to content creation and content quality.
2. Assess and improve your Drupal implementation to support Content Strategy and Audience Experience.
3. Collaborate across Marketing/Communications and Developer teams to improve Audience Experience as a team


Do you plan marketing and communications? Do you plan sites to help the marketers? This session is for you!


Get the most out of Drupal for yourself and your clients working at the intersection of content strategy and content management, Audience Experience! Learn how to create content strategy, produce “good content,” and get the most out of your CMS.