Room 301-302
drupal core

Project update bot: The road to Drupal 11

Project update bot: The road to Drupal 11

Download the slides here: https://www.swis.nl/project-update-bot-road-to-drupal-11

Drupal.org's Project Update Bot was originally built for the Drupal 8 to 9 upgrade and is running again helping maintainers to make drupal.org projects compatible with Drupal 10 as well. It automatically opens issues in drupal.org projects' issue queues when there is a Drupal 10 incompatibility identified, and provides a best effort fix as well. Then project maintainers and users can further refine the fix and include it in the project at their own timeframe.

With Drupal 10 launched it's time to look forward at Drupal 11. The spike in work around the Drupal 10 launch put a lot of stress on core maintainers. the people working on PHPStan, the update bot and even project maintainers.

We will use this session to evaluate what went well, what should improve and how we can make Drupal.org's Project Update Bot a continuous process that will help module developers during the whole Drupal 10 lifecycle, helping everyone's transition into Drupal 11 be an even smoother experience.

Learning Objectives

- Understand how Drupal.org's Project Update Bot works.
- Apply to help out with the changes needed to make Drupal 11 readiness a continious process.


Have some module development experience


Drupal.org's Project Update Bot has helped thousands of modules prepare for Drupal 10. How will it help us in the next 2 years getting ready for Drupal 11.