Exciting News: DrupalCon Portland Call for Speakers Extended!
We've heard your requests and are thrilled to announce that the DrupalCon Portland Call for Speakers window has been extended by two weeks. The new submission deadline is now Sunday, 12 November at 23:59 UTC.
The Drupal Association Board adopted an exciting strategic plan during DrupalCon Pittsburgh focused on innovating Drupal, marketing Drupal, and resource raising for the Drupal community initiatives. Given this plan, we are encouraging sessions that speak to Drupal’s innovation. Additionally, we are planning a track for marketers and encourage sessions that speak to effective Drupal marketing.
Topic suggestions:
- AI: both the technology and the ethics
- Decoupled Drupal - the latest use cases and frontiers
- The Fediverse - Open source solutions to owning your own words
- Empowering ambitious site builders
- New tech horizons beyond Drupal or other complimentary solutions or new ideas that might have a place in Drupal in the future
- Non-profit uses
- Drupal in new markets
- Engaging with young & new talent
Historically, DrupalCon North America has been the largest gathering of Drupal enthusiasts worldwide, and we aim to make this year's event even more exciting. Our goal is to create a program that mirrors the enthusiasm generated by our new strategic plan, fostering an environment where great things can happen!
When it comes to planning your session, we have many resources available, including session checklists and presentation support. Visit here to view all of the available resources.
If you have questions about speaking at DrupalCon Portland, don't hesitate to reach out to us at speaking@association.drupal.org. You can also seek tips and request session feedback from fellow community members in the #session-help channel on Drupal Slack.
The Drupal Association reserves the right to add sessions and/or speakers that are topical and part of the strategic direction of the organization.