Speaker Resources

Session and Presentation Support
Session Checklist
  • Font Style: Avoid an all-bold body font.
  • Clear Title: Keep your title under 65 characters, and make it direct. Ensure attendees grasp the idea without reading the description. Use sentence-case, and capitalize the first word after a colon.
  • Title Punctuation: Use an en dash (-) for hyphens and an em dash (—) for emphasis without spaces. Example: "Story City—An interactive, rich media map case study."
  • Exclamation Marks: Use only one.
  • Periods: Don't end the title with a period.
  • Hyphens: Use hyphens when necessary.
  • Colons: Insert one space (not two) after a colon.
  • Slash Spacing: Do not add spaces after a slash. For example, "How to organize a DrupalCamp/Meetup."
  • Special Characters: Avoid emojis or arrows in the title.
  • Description Structure: Start with a 2-3 sentence introductory paragraph explaining the "why." Follow with a detailed descriptive paragraph.
  • Learning Objectives: List three objectives with desired outcomes. Begin sentences with action verbs like "apply," "perform," or "develop."
  • Target Audience: Specify the audience who benefits most from your session. Avoid using "anyone."
  • Prerequisites: Explain attendee knowledge or experience needed. Avoid stating "none."
  • Language: Use plain, clear, concise, and inclusive language.
  • Jargon: Avoid technical jargon or define it.
  • Acronyms: Spell out acronyms unless they are common in the Drupal context. Use common Drupal acronyms like CWG, JSS, UI, DevOps, SQL, CMS.
  • Competitor Shaming: Do not criticize competitors, tools, communities, etc.
  • Diverse Expertise: Consider the expertise of diverse participants.
  • Panel Composition: Ensure diverse and intersectional panel composition.


Speakers are encouraged to upload slides and other session materials to each session page. Attendees may download slides to follow along with while on site or perhaps your content was discovered through an internet search. Regardless, please take the time to ensure your slides are accessible to those who use adaptive technology such as screen readers. Here are some key considerations:

  • Use unique slide titles
  • Add descriptive text to all links
  • Set reading order of slide contents
  • Provide alt text for all images and tables
  • Set slide dimensions to 16:9



To assist attendees who may be hard of hearing, non-native English speakers, or prefer reading, all presenters should incorporate live captions into their presentations. When designing slides, remember to consider caption placement. Note that the mainstage at DrupalCon Portland will feature live captioning.