content & marketing

Case Study: Lenovo's Journey with Drupal and Creating 100+ Language-Specific Sites

Case Study: Lenovo's Journey with Drupal and Creating 100+ Language-Specific Sites

Provide an overview of Lenovo's digital presence and the need for a scalable and multilingual solution.

Discuss the complexities involved in creating and maintaining numerous language variations of a website.

Explore the native multilingual features of Drupal and how they can be leveraged to implement and manage language-specific sites.

Share Lenovo's approach to content translation, localization, site structure, and governance to ensure consistent and efficient management of their multilingual sites.

Discuss the modules, configurations, and workflows used by Lenovo to support multilingual content and enable language switching across their sites.

Highlight the advantages and potential challenges of employing Drupal for extensive multilingual deployments.

Dive into Lenovo's specific case study, including project timeline, team collaboration, lessons learned, and results achieved.

Encourage attendees to ask questions and engage in discussions around managing multilingual sites with Drupal.

By attending this session, attendees will gain valuable insights from Lenovo's case study, understanding the strategies, best practices, and technical solutions employed to successfully create and manage over 100 language-specific sites using Drupal. They will also learn about the benefits and considerations of using Drupal for large-scale multilingual projects, enabling them to optimize their own multilingual website implementations.