How to use automated tools to upgrade your site from Drupal 7 to Drupal 10.x
How to use automated tools to upgrade your site from Drupal 7 to Drupal 10.x
43% of the entire Drupal community is on Drupal 7. Drupal 7 end of life is coming in 2025. Acquia recently open sourced our migration automation tool, Acquia Migrate: Accelerate (AM:A) to help the community get to D10 and prepare for D11.
This will be hands-on learning session for integrating the Drupal module into your application:
* Live demo
* Real-world use cases
* Customer success stories
Whether you're a seasoned developer or a migration newbie, learn how
to leverage AM:A to automate your content migration, give you the confidence to be a migration expert, and help keep your application on the latest version of Drupal Core.