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Implementation of automation system in Balochistan's Public Accounts Committee

Implementation of automation system in Balochistan's Public Accounts Committee

The Public Accounts Committee (known as PAC) of Balochistan province in Pakistan had an outdated manual system of tracking their audit cases over the years. That had caused a lot of backlog. Every year an audit book is handed over the PAC by Audit department which has audit observations of all government departments of the province. And then PAC holds meetings with representatives of that department to verify and justify public spending done by them. This whole process was manual, and on average it took 3-4 months to conduct one meeting and sometimes more. With the introduction of an automation system built in Drupal, that average timeframe per meeting was reduced to less than one month. Also, it reduced the paper usage by nearly 90% because for every meeting, there were 30+ physical prints of the documents which would be sent to all relevant departments and committee members. We have reduced that to only 2 physical prints and no other physical copies. This project was supported and approved by Accountability Lab Pakistan, and Governance and Policy Program (GPP), which works under World Bank for the digitisation of government processes.