News & Updates
DrupalCon has been offered in more than 20 cities around the world since it started in 2005 as a place to talk about Drupal. Between a decade of Cons and countries, the global reach of Drupal has really taken shape. With 112 translation groups on, it becomes very apparent that translating Drupal is a huge community effort - almost 6,000 strong.
If you have deja vu when we say DrupalCon Barcelona, you could be one of the people who attended DrupalCon Barcelona back in 2007! In true Throwback Thursday fashion, we are going to break down the tried and true things that have been the same for the past eight years, and what you can expect to be different at our upcoming DrupalCon.
There has been a radical shift in how enterprises want to use Drupal. Their focus is moving from sites to integrated services., and this change is typically accompanied with a set of new technologies, such as MongoDB and Node.js. Still, the role of Drupal has become more central than ever. How?
It is fitting that in football-crazed Barcelona, although we will have a plethora of tech talks, that we have at least one talk that highlights the sport! Whether you’re a fan of FC Barcelona or any football team for that matter, it is pretty impressive what a team can accomplish together. And although we aren’t goalies and midfielders, Adam Onishi's (onishiweb) talk will highlight how front-enders and Drupalers can go for the gold together.
Drupal is an amazing platform for making websites, but it can also be a world-class API that can easily integrate with other technologies. In this class you will learn how to create fully featured APIs in Drupal, and you’ll build a simple Node.js application that consumes that API to make a highly interactive website.
If you are looking to learn about building APIs in Drupal, or creating websites with Node.js, this class is for you!