News & Updates

We are happy to announce that the mascot of DrupalCon Barcelona 2024 is a salamander and we named her “Mercè”

The salamander, specifically the mosaic salamander known as “El Drac” (The Dragon), is an iconic symbol of Barcelona and can be found in Park Güell. The park is designed by the legendary Catalan architect, Antoni Gaudí and is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

It's time to vote for the official DrupalCon Portland 2024 t-shirt! Thank you so much to everyone who entered the DrupalCon Portland 2024 t-shirt design contest! We've narrowed it down to the top four designs. Now, we're asking the Drupal community to help us by voting for their favorite design.
The winner who receives the most votes will have their design on the official DrupalCon Portland 2024 t-shirt AND win a ticket to DrupalCon! Voting ends on 28 February.

Are you passionate about Drupal and interested in contributing to the success of DrupalCon Barcelona 2024? We invite you to join our dedicated team of volunteers who will play an essential role in shaping this event!

Why Volunteer?

Early Bird Registration for DrupalCon Portland 2024 is here! From now until 23:59 UTC on 18 March 2024, you can register during our Early Bird Registration window to receive $100 off the price of your DrupalCon Portland ticket. This window will go by quickly, so don’t wait!

Register now!

When you buy a conference ticket, you’ll get access to:

Birds of a Feather topic submission for DrupalCon Portland 2024 is now open! 

Birds of a Feather sessions are informal, small-group discussions where you will collaborate to solve problems, exchange information, share best practices, and build your network. Unlike normal sessions, BoFs are not typically led by a speaker or panel. They are more of an open discussion among participants. At DrupalCon, BoF sessions can cover a wide range of topics related to Drupal, including technical issues, business challenges, community initiatives, and more.

We've heard your requests and are thrilled to announce that the DrupalCon Portland Call for Speakers window has been extended by two weeks. The new submission deadline is now Sunday, 12 November at 23:59 UTC.

On the 13th of October 2023, the French authorities raised the country to the highest alert level following the recent attack in Arras, which tragically claimed the life of a French teacher. We want to emphasize that there is currently no immediate cause for concern, and we are not aware of any specific threats that could affect DrupalCon and its attendees.

DrupalCon Lille 2023 is a limited hybrid event, with some content being live and some being retroactive. All main conference sessions will be recorded and freely accessible for attendees via the DrupalCon OnAir  event platform 24-36h after sessions and publicly on YouTube a month later. 

Participants are encouraged to view and discuss the sessions in the comments as well as in collaborative Slack channels. 

The Drupal Business Survey invites business leaders worldwide to share their insights and metrics on the Drupal business ecosystem. Relevant topics to many digital service providers include business development, community, marketing and human capital. The results of this survey are analyzed and aggregated into a comprehensive report and presented at DrupalCon Europe, the yearly Drupal summit. Participants can support anonymously. 

Share your case studies at the DrupalCon Europe 2023 Client & Industry track

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses are constantly searching for ways to stay ahead of the curve and remain competitive. Digital transformation is a key driver in this process, with organizations seeking to leverage technology to drive innovation, streamline operations, and engage with customers in new and meaningful ways.

Drupal, an open-source content management system (CMS), is an excellent platform for achieving these goals.