Builder Track
Builder Track Overview
The Builder Track offered 30-minute and 90-minute sessions on Wednesday, April 10 and Thursday, April 10 with up to 14 concurrent sessions to select from resulting in 260 minutes a day of active session learning.
Attendees were also welcome to participate in BoF discussions and contribution sprints throughout the week, with 45 hours of contribution time scheduled Monday - Friday.
A large subset of participants also registered for Summits and Trainings, and chose to participate in BoFs discussions and contribution sprints, on Monday, April 8 and Tuesday, April 9.
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DrupalCon Seattle saw the highest number of pre-conference events. Day-long trainings covered topics on content migrations, module development, landing page architecture, and more. Community members came together for presentations, small group discussions, and networking at full-day summits focused on nonprofits, security, decoupled, and healthcare, among others. Learn more about trainings and summits.
Monday, April 8 | |