Room 3.1 A & B (4)
user experience, accessibility & design, site building
makers & builders

Leveraging contributed modules: best practices with the EU Cookie Compliance module and web analytics tools like Google Analytics and Matomo

Leveraging contributed modules: best practices with the EU Cookie Compliance module and web analytics tools like Google Analytics and Matomo

István Reszler-Fekete (reszli), Niels Aers (Nielsaers)

Striving for GDPR compliance for websites is crucial to safeguarding the privacy and personal data of users, maintaining their trust, and avoiding costly penalties and legal consequences.

In this session, we will share the key takeaways of our extensive research into GDPR compliance for Drupal websites and the different tools to aim for it. We will discuss our decision to adopt the EU Cookie Compliance module instead of relying on third-party solutions and demonstrate how we use it alongside tools like Google Tag Manager and Matomo.

Our approach exclusively utilizes contributed modules and includes comprehensive configuration options to provide you with all the necessary tools for GDPR compliance while also incorporating user experience improvements.
Session (20 minutes)

Experience level of the audience
