We will kick off DrupalCon Lille together with the Opening ceremony, which starts just after brunch. The Organizing Secretariat, Advisory Board members and Drupal Association staff members are excited to welcome you in France. Join us for this exciting event to begin our journey at DrupalCon Lille!
Practical information will be presented on stage during this short introduction which will then give way to the first keynote of the week - Driesnote.
Date: Tuesday , 17 October
Time: 12:00 - 12:45 CEST
Location: Lille Grand Palais, Auditorium

Who should attend? Anyone who wants to celebrate women in Drupal with us is welcome. Our goal is to foster inclusivity and embrace the involvement of individuals across the gender spectrum. This year, together with FFW, we will announce the award for women who have done outstanding projects in relation to Drupal.
We hope to see you there!
Date: Tuesday , 17 October
Time: 12:45 - 13:15 CEST
Location: Lille Grand Palais, Auditorium
Sponsored by FFW

In the grand tradition of pub quizzes, there will be 6 rounds of 10 questions covering all things Drupal, and a few more questions about general web topics. Your team of 5 will compete to capture the title of Drupal trivia champions, and win small prizes to boot! Have fun together!
Please make sure to arrive before 19:30 to secure your seat. You have the opportunity to enjoy a dinner before the Trivia Night begins!
Date: Thursday, 19 October
Time: 19:00 (doors open) - 24:00 CEST
Location: Grand Scene Lille, 31 Rue De Béthune – Lille

Do not miss the wrap up of the event! It is the time to share a last moment all together.
We will:
- CONFIRM key decisions and next steps.
- DISCUSS Hot Topics.
- & Have FUN!
Date: Thursday, 19 October
Time: 18:00-18:30 CEST
Location: Lille Grand Palais, Auditorium
There is definitely more to a DrupalCon than the sessions, BoFs and contribution rooms. On top of the usual successful social events like Trivia night, we invite you to organize your own social events. Go ahead and submit your social events. If you have any questions, please contact us via email drupal@kuonitumlare.com.
Please note that although most social events are not organized by the conference organizers, all of them are required to operate under the Code of Conduct for the conference. The organizers are not obligated to list all proposed social events.

Join us on October 16th, 2023, the day before the start of DrupalCon Lille, for a half-day of technical talks, best practices, and demos about the latest innovations on decoupled, headless, open source, and composable web covering application development, deployment, and infrastructure options.
Who should attend?
CTOs, Developers, Platform Architects, Site Builders, Project Managers, Product Owners, and Business Owners – anyone looking to learn more about building applications that leverage decoupled and composable architectures and the benefits this approach can provide.
Date: Monday, 16 October 2023
Time: 13:00 - 18:30 CEST
Location: Lille Grand Palais, Room 0.5+0.6
Cost: Free with Registration

We have a free speaker training available that will help speakers with their last-minute preparations to help them deliver a session with as high quality as possible. Registration for this will happen here, so that we know how many people will actually be there. This training will be delivered by Sarah Algoet (professional speaker trainer). After this workshop, we expect you are able to fully captivate your audience with your story by using your voice and your presence! Make sure to not miss this opportunity!
Date: Monday, 16 October 2023
Time: 15:00 - 17:00 CEST
Location: Lille Grand Palais, Room 3.2C

Lil Rooster is finally landing in Lille and very impatient to see you all! Come and join us to start DrupalCon properly by closing the Warm Up Tour with a final epic evening! Every Drupal enthusiast is welcome to have a fun time with us in an original place, but please note that the announcements and animation will be in French. We are also inviting local communities to share this moment with us (AFUP, Symfony, API Platform, ..) Evolving Web & Skilld are both very happy to help us celebrate properly by sponsoring the event. Does your company want to sponsor one or more rounds as well? Get in touch! Be sure to register to wrap up this year long tour around France and Europe and kick off DrupalCon with Lil Rooster! Places are limited! See you soon! *
Date: Monday, 16 October 2023
Time: 20:00 - 23:59 CEST
Location: L'Hybride, 18 Rue Gosselet, 59000 Lille, FRANCE (https://lhybride.org/)
No need to have a ticket for DrupalCon, but registration is required because of the limited space. Please note that all communcation during the night will be in French.

The highly awaited, even notorious live Drupal CEO Dinner will be organised again with DrupalCon Lille. We serve a delicious three course dinner and vent off the pressures of being at the helm with the fellow leaders. No clients or subordinates allowed, this is a free speech evening. This event is reserved for CxOs, directors, owners and the like of Drupal agencies.
Date: Tuesday, 17 October 2023
Time: 19:00 - 23:00 CEST
Location: Restaurant Babe, 48 Rue de l'Hôpital Militaire

Let's connect at Drupalcon Lille!
Every DrupalCon all the (Belgian) Drupal enthusiasts gather together to socialise and connect. Together with make it fly & WebstanZ the Belgian Drupal community is happy to continue this tradition of epic nights. Bonus: first drinks are sponsored by make it fly and WebstanZ.
Does your company want to sponsor one or more rounds as well? Get in touch!
Want to join us for a chat and a drink? Register so that we know how many people will actually be there. See you there?
Date: Wednesday, 18 October 2023
Time: 19:00 - 24:00 CEST
Location: Café Peacock, 14 Pl. Rihour, 59800 Lille