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Room 3.1 C & 3.2 C (6)
development & coding
makers & builders

From zero to a multilingual Next.js site powered by Next-drupal and Drupal Recipes with one command!

From zero to a multilingual Next.js site powered by Next-drupal and Drupal Recipes with one command!

Mario Vercellotti (Vermario), Joshua Scott

Setting up a decoupled project with Drupal as the backend in 2023 still involves a lot of setup and configuration. At Wunder, we have simplified this process with our “Next.js for Drupal multilingual template”. It’s freely available on GitHub ( https://github.com/wunderio/next4drupal-project/ ) and by cloning it and running just one command you get:

* Fully decoupled Next.js website serving content stored in Drupal
* Multilingual support in backend and frontend
* Preview mode for content editors
* On-demand frontend updates when content changes
* Metatags and SEO support
* Search indexing with Elasticsearch and frontend search interface
* Comprehensive demo content (powered by migrate) to showcase the site
* Decoupled Webforms
* Drupal Paragraphs support (including nested paragraphs)
* Frontend authentication support
* End to end type safety

In our 45-minute workshop, we will guide developers through the process, show how the pieces fit together, and how they can use this template as the base of their future projects.

Our template takes advantage of:

* the “Next.Js for Drupal” project by Chapter Three ( https://next-drupal.org/ )
* Elasticsearch and ElasticUI
* Lando as the local environment
* The Zod typescript library for runtime type safety
* Next-Auth for authentication
* The upcoming Drupal Recipes initiative for automatic configuration of the backend site.

Workshop (45 minutes)

Experience level of the audience
