Contribution Events


Let's come together to collaborate and contribute to the future of Drupal! Contribution Events are an integral part of the DrupalCon Barcelona 2024 experience, happening throughout the event and leading up to a Contribution Day on Friday. It's a chance to join forces with like-minded individuals, share your skills, and work towards common goals.

Whether you're passionate about organizing events, designing user interfaces, translating text, writing documentation, reviewing contributions, finding bugs, or writing code, there's a place for you to make an impact. Regardless of your expertise or level of experience, everyone is welcome to participate.

Who should come?

Everyone is welcome to join. We're in need of a diverse array of talents: project managers, bug reporters, designers, QA testers, individuals to contribute to documentation, and both front-end and back-end developers. If you are not sure where to begin, do not worry. We have dedicated mentors ready to guide you along the way.

We warmly welcome participants of all experience levels, backgrounds, genders, races, sexual identities, religions, ages, and abilities. In particular, we embrace community members from marginalized groups. Diversity enriches our community, and it's through inclusion that we can craft the finest Drupal experience for all. Join us, and let's shape the future of Drupal together!


Why contribute?

Contribution is vital to Drupal's growth, offering valuable opportunities to engage in the development of Drupal itself. At DrupalCon, contributions provide an ideal entry point, offering training and mentorship from experienced contributors.

For those already immersed in contributions, DrupalCon is a chance to connect with fellow contributors, engage in collaborative work, and tackle manageable tasks within the Drupal issue queue. With hundreds of other Drupal community members, there are numerous opportunities to contribute and collaborate.


What to bring?

  1. Your enthusiasm for Drupal contribution.
  2. Feel free to bring your laptop if you wish, although not all contribution methods require one. We encourage pairing up for collaborative efforts!


I will need a development environment, how do I set that up?

You are welcome to approach the mentors for assistance. Additionally, you are encouraged to set up your development environment on your own if you prefer. Visit the documentation guide on setting up a local development environment.

Some useful references for development activities:


Do I need to register for DrupalCon to attend a contribution event?

Join us at DrupalCon for a series of exciting contribution events! While all events are free to attend, please note that only the Contribution Day is accessible to those without a DrupalCon ticket due to security and logistical reasons. If you're already registered for DrupalCon Barcelona 2024, there's no need for additional registration; Contribution Day is already included in your ticket.

For those without a DrupalCon ticket who wish to participate on Friday, please ensure you pre-register until 20th August 2024

Which contribution event is for me?

Which contribution event is for me?


First Time Contribution
First-Time Contributor Workshops
For who?

If you're new to the process and unsure where to start or what tools to use for contributing to Drupal, the First-Time Contributor Workshops are designed just for you.

What to expect?

You will get up to speed with the following community tools:, issue queues, communication channels, and if needed, installing Drupal 8 or 9 locally. Our mentors are excited to get you ready to tackle real issues. Many people will be new to contributing and different opportunities arise based on experience level.

Tue 24 Sept 2024 (Room 111): 16:30 - 17:15
Wed 25 Sept 2024 (Room 111): 11:30 - 12:15
Fri 27 Sept 2024 (Room 111): 9:00-12:30 

Mentored Contribution
Mentored Contribution
Who is it for?

The Mentored Contribution is for those who are already familiar with the tools we use, such as the issue queue, but still could use help choosing issues and navigating the process.

What to expect?

You will learn while helping to improve Drupal! Plenty of mentors will be available to help you get started. If you are (almost) new to contribution, this is a great place for you after you have completed the First-Time Contribution Workshop.

Fri 27 Sept 2024 (Room 111): 9:00-18:00

General Contribution
Who is it for?

If you have experience with Drupal issues and may have already chosen a team or topic, then General Contribution is for you.

What to expect?

You can join one of the many groups, including: Drupal 9, migrate, media, frontend, Promote Drupal and more. Stay tuned for the list of topics. General Contribution does not have formal mentoring available, but if you have questions, there are many friendly people to help or work with you - collaboration is the idea!

General contribution happens every day of the conference and during Friday Contribution Day:

Tue 24 - Thu 26 2024 (Area 1(0)): 9:00-18:00
Fri 27 Sept 2024 (Room 112): 9:00-18:00