Spread the Word

About DrupalCon Barcelona

DrupalCon Barcelona 2024 brings together all Drupal enthusiasts, who use, develop, design and support the Drupal platform. It is a place to connect, learn, share knowledge and contribute to the Drupal´s future.

  • What: DrupalCon Barcelona 2024: an open source, community-driven event that gathers more than 1,500 of the top digital minds using Drupal for collaboration, knowledge sharing, friendship, and moving the project forward
  • Purpose: Share expertise. Create solutions. Build relationships. Shape the future
  • When: Tuesday 24 Septeber – Friday 27 September 2024
  • Where: CCIB (Barcelona International Convention Center), Barcelona, Spain
  • Registration:  Will be open in May
  • Who Attends: Everybody interested in or actively using Drupal; from site builders to content & digital marketers to those selling and supporting Drupal


Places to Promote DrupalCon Barcelona
  • Event Calendars: Add the event to your organization’s internal and external event calendars.
  • Newsletters: Announce DrupalCon in your internal and external newsletters.
  • Social Media: See sample posts below.
  • Email: Send colleagues the template email below.
  • Association Partners: Ask your professional associations to announce DrupalCon Barcelona to your peers.
  • Relevant Organizations: Ask organizations with aligned interests to include it in their internal and external communications.
  • Drupal Meetup or Meeting: Hosting a local event? Meeting up with other Drupal-enthusiasts? Share it with your network.


Outreach Sample Email


I am attending DrupalCon Barcelona 2024. The in-person conference is hosted in CCIB Barcelona from 24 to 27 September. I encourage you to join me.

DrupalCon Barcelona is a premier open source, community-driven event that gathers more than 1,500 of the top digital minds using Drupal, for collaboration, knowledge sharing, friendship, and moving the project forward. Check out the program and speaker list, as well as the community members, in addition to myself, who will be attending DrupalCon. If you like what you see, register on the DrupalCon Barcelona 2024 website.

Let me know if you have any questions. I hope to see you there!


Social Media

Let your followers and friends know that you’ll be attending DrupalCon Barcelona 2024 (#DrupalConEur, #DrupalConBarcelona)!

  • I’ll be at @DrupalConEur 24-27 September 2024 in Barcelona. Join me in advancing the Drupal project and connecting with other community members #opensource #diversityintech #technology #education #future - Post it on X
  • Be a part of the #future of Drupal. Register on the congress website and confirm your attendance for @DrupalConEur. This is an event not to be missed! #opensource #diversityintech #technology #education – Post it on X
  • From passionate presenters to puppies in the meeting hub, @DrupalConEur will be an #educational, memorable #opensource #conference; join me online! Register on the congress website #technology - Post it on X
  • Take part in peer-to-peer in-person discussions with #Drupal leaders; join me in 2024 at @DrupalConEur #opensource #diversityintech #technology - Post it on X
  • I’ll be at @DrupalConEur 24-27 September 2024 in Barcelona. Join me in advancing the Drupal project and connecting with other community members #opensource #diversityintech #technology #education #future - RSVP to DrupalCon Europe on LinkedIn


Follow us on Twitter: @DrupalConEur and be sure to join the conversation on LinkedIn for news and updates.  Tag us and use one of the #hashtag,  so we can see your posts and photos! 








Web Badges

Help spread the word about DrupalCon Europe by placing a web badge on your site!

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Badges-bcn_Contribution Mentor
Badges-bcn_Individual Sponsor
Media Policy

Please refer to our Media Policy page or our standardized policy for logo usage and photo and video releases.

Photos & Videos

If you'd like to share photos or videos from past events, we have several slideshows available on the DrupalCon Flickr accounts & Drupal Europe. Please provide credit to the photographers, as noted in the photo credentials.

Press Releases

We encourage speakers, attendees, exhibitors, volunteers, and others to generate their own press release(s) highlighting their involvement with DrupalCon Barcelona 2024. Please use messaging from DrupalCon Barcelona 2024 website when drafting a press release.


If you’re looking for a quote about the event, please email drupal@kuonitumlare.com