Room 5 (127-128)
user experience, accessibility, & design, leadership, management, & business, development & coding
agency & business

Navigating Accessibility Integration in Consultancies & Agencies Environments: Making Accessibility Everyone’s Responsibility

Navigating Accessibility Integration in Consultancies & Agencies Environments: Making Accessibility Everyone’s Responsibility

Yu-Li Hunsicker (Yhunsicker)

This proposal dives into the intricate landscape of implementing accessibility measures within agency and consultancy settings. It not only identifies key challenges but also provides comprehensive strategies to navigate and overcome these obstacles. The goal is to ensure that inclusive design practices become an inherent part of every project and business cadence.

This talk is for everyone at any level.


I. Pioneering Accessibility-First mindset within the company
Proposing a business solution that advocates for substantial investment and unwavering dedication to accessibility (A11y).
Addressing and resolving Pain Points in the Accessibility Mindset.
Conducting a thorough assessment of the company’s current Accessibility Maturity, leveraging this insight to inspire the company and implementation of accessibility governance.
Fostering ally-ship, forging collaborative relationships that champion accessibility across the organization. Surprising easier said than done!

II. Strategic Blueprint for Seamless Accessibility Integration in Agency Operations:
Infusing Accessibility into Project Proposals, making it an integral consideration from project inception.
Actively fostering Inclusivity in Conversations, ensuring that accessibility is a central theme in all project discussions.
Supporting and providing training and awareness programs to equip team members with the necessary skills and knowledge for effective accessibility integration.
Cultivating Collective Responsibility for Accessibility:
Empowering designers/researchers in Accessibility Initiatives, enabling them to take a leading role in inclusive design practices.
Engaging Developers as Accessibility Advocates, making them champions of accessible development practices
Conducting Rigorous Accessibility Audits at key project milestones to guarantee compliance with accessibility standards.
III. Garnering stakeholder Buy-In and Overcoming Resistance:
A. Demonstrating the Strategic Imperative of Accessibility:
Highlighting the Tangible Business Advantages derived from investing in accessibility.
Ensuring Legal Compliance and Mitigating Risks associated with accessibility oversights.
Fostering Personal Empowerment through Inclusivity, emphasizing the positive impact on individual users and team members alike.

Learning Objectives
In summary, this proposal presents several strategies for seamlessly integrating accessibility measures in throughout the agency environments. By rallying around a shared commitment, highlighting its strategic significance, and embracing accessibility through a product build, we are primed to deliver top-tier, accessible products that cater to stakeholders, clients, and end-users. It is my hope that the knowledge gained here will empower individuals with a profound appreciation for the importance of accessibility, along with practical and actional steps they can readily implement in their workspaces. Let’s not merely patch up accessibility issues; let’s make it an indivisible part of our business ethos and daily practice.

Experience level