Speakers - FAQs

Does DrupalCon have a Code of Conduct?

Yes! All speakers have agreed to our Code of Conduct when submitting a session as part of our Speaker Agreement.

Are there any guidelines to follow?

Yes, the speaker guidelines are available here.

How long are sessions?

The sessions are either 20 or 40 minutes. The Q&A portion of each presentation should fit into that time limit. You can always continue the conversation in the hallway, at a BoF, or via X (Twitter)/Slack.

How are speakers compensated?

One speaker per session receives one free ticket to attend DrupalCon. Since revenue from DrupalCon is used to fund the Drupal project and Drupal.org initiatives, we are unable to provide travel expenses or offer a speaker fee outside of our Speaker Inclusion Fund.

What permissions do I need to present?

Ensure you have explicit permission to share your company/client information, or at what level is appropriate to share. Proposing a session without permission is grounds for session cancellation.

How can I get additional help?
  • Slack Channel: You are invited to join a dedicated Slack channel. Please send a message there, and we will assist you as soon as possible. 
  • Speakers' Room: You can visit the Speakers' Room (Room M217 on the Second Floor) at DrupalCon for onsite support. 

Should you have any further inquiries or if we didn't address your question, please feel free to reach us at drupal@kuonitumlare.com. Our team is dedicated to ensuring your experience at DrupalCon Barcelona is seamless. We're here to help!