***Sessions and speakers are subject to change. Additional sessions will be added as they become available.
15:00 to 15:45 CET
We at NETNODE, a small swiss Drupal agency have successfully adopted and blended principles from Holacracy, Sociocracy, and Reinventing Organizations since late 2019.
Lukas Fischer (Lukasfischer)
The world today is undergoing massive changes. On Feb 24, 2022, it changed significantly for Ukrainian IT teams. We encountered unique challenges and discovered our strength in overcoming them.
Iryna Semenova (instagram.com/isemyonovabel), Anastasiia Paliienko (instagram.com/ssteyci?igshid=MzMyNGUyNmU2YQ%3D%3D&utm_source=qr)
Successfully running a small agency is not easy. The CEO and their team (if they have one) usually have to wear many hats and juggle multiple roles every day.
Tamsin Fox-Davies, Elise West, Julie Sheward, Anthony Fox-Davies
If you’ve ever delivered a digital project before, you’ll likely know that they can - and do - go wrong. In fact, industry experts estimate that a whopping 70% of digital projects fail. Faced with these kinds of odds, it’s vital to know how best to recognise and respond to a project in peril.
Alice Minett
This session addresses the challenges of attracting developers to use PHP and sequentially recruiting them in companies and teams where Drupal is the framework of choice.
Bostjan Kovac (Boshtian)
10:30 to 11:15 CET
In this presentation, we will dive into our company's journey of integrating AI into our daily operations, specifically through the implementation of ChatGPT, Midjourney, and Copilot.
Early in 2021, Lullabot's CEO gave the team a goal: find ways to standardize and simplify our processes across multiple projects.
Andrew Berry (deviantintegral)
Working for multiple clients and multiple websites can be a nightmare, deployment can also be hard and painful. Our customers may increse this stress, and in some cases, sites are not updated for months, even with security updates.
Anne-Sophie Picot (Asplamagnifique), Sylvain Moreau (Slybud), Francis Lemaitre (flemaitre)
09:15 to 10:00 CET
Keeping staff commited to an agency may seem like a daily challenge, especially with today's younger generation. We will share our lessons learned from our journey growing our agency from 8 to 27 people over the last 4 years .
Benoit De Vos (Bendev)
Drupal seems to have hit a plateau. Or that’s what many in the community think. After Drupal 7, many sites are moving away from the platform while not as many seem to be choosing Drupal as their favourite CMS. Or is it really?
Alejandro Moreno Lopez (Alexmoreno), Scott Massey (sukotto100), Cristina Chumillas (ckrina), AmyJune Hineline (Volkswagenchick), Nick Veenhof (nick_vh)
As professional service providers we often walk a fine line in delivering bespoke software to a diverse set of clients. Each with their own traits and desires. Clients want partnerships. So do agencies and service providers.
Imre Gmelig Meijling (imre-gmelig-meijling)
Engage with the Drupal Association's Development and Fundraising team.
Kelly Delaney, Tim Doyle, Jitka Pilar
In today's fast-paced technology environment, software development teams face numerous challenges that can hinder their ability to deliver high-quality products on time.
Jorge Tutor
Design Systems, Documentation, and Drupal: Grow your agency and retain clients before you write a line of code
Chris Teitzel
amazee.io recently got acquired by another company (Mirantis).
In this session I will present our history, experience and everything we learned throughout this process.
Michael Schmid (Schnitzel)
Successful and growing agencies can find themselves short on senior staff when working on large government contracts. These are typically high-profile projects with significant budgets and come with specific requirements such as security vetting of staff.
Anthony Fox-Davies, Evgeniy Maslovskiy (Spleshka)
Many business owners view open source code contribution on company time as a drain on billable hours. As a company committed to the Drupal open source project, PreviousNext has had a formalised approach to code contribution baked into company culture, policies and processes.
Owen Lansbury (Owenlansbury)
Description: Managing a marketing team from home can be challenging at the best of times, but when you're a mum with ADHD, it can feel like an insurmountable task.
Hadda Hreidarsdottir (Hadda)
How do people decide on Drupal? - that's been the question on our minds in the “Promote Drupal” group supporting the Drupal.org redesign. We sought answers in Drupal personas research.
Emma Horrell