***Sessions and speakers are subject to change. Additional sessions will be added as they become available.
15:00 to 15:45 CET
In today's digital landscape, delivering exceptional digital experiences is essential for organisations to remain competitive. Imagine a digital experience platform that can learn from your customers, personalise their interactions, and predict their needs - all on its own.
Saranya Rajaram (saranya_rajaram), Annam Ravin (Annam_sreenivasan)
Nestlé and Platform.sh have developed a new test case - focused on Nestlé’s Drupal fleet - which dramatically reduces greenhouse gas emissions in the cloud. Together we will share our approach and the lessons learned in terms of technology, process, and sustainability.
Andrew Melck (Drewmelck), Leah Goldfarb, Jérôme Andrieux, Antonella Severo, David Fernandez
In this talk at DrupalCon, we will share how our company, Dropsolid, successfully integrated gamification, Drupal commerce, and Microsoft Dynamics integration to create a language-based community with a robust role system.
Sven Van Uytfanghe
When 200 non-profit organizations with varying resources and expertise are scattered across the globe, the need for a centralized platform to share knowledge and resources becomes vital.
Peter Pónya (pedrop), Zsófia Alföldi (Zsofiaalfoldi)
10:30 to 11:15 CET
In the digital era, website accessibility has become essential to user experience. Drupal, a popular open-source content management system, has made accessibility a top priority in its development process.
Annam Ravin (Annam_sreenivasan), Saranya Rajaram (saranya_rajaram)
What if you had no intention of using a content on another page? What if you wanted to customize every little detail of any piece of content on your page? Would you still use Drupal? Can it even be possible?
Simon Georges, Alex Druhet
VisitBritain is the national tourism agency for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland; VisitEngland is the national tourism agency for England.
Paul Johnson (Pdjohnson), Marie Orpen
Grab your lunch and meet the Client & Industry team and other enterprise Drupal users and providers in an informal networking session.
Client & Industry Track Chairs
Setting up a design system can help create consistency and guardrails for authors, designers, strategists, developers, and all involved in creating and maintaining websites or applications.
Jen Witkowski (jwitkowski79)
Over the last few years the average Drupal project has changed significantly. From sizeable web builds we are now landing contracts for multi-million dollar composable digital experience platforms with decoupled front-ends, elaborate system architectures and multiple third party integrations.
Tassos Koutlas (tassos)
Whether you're a product owner, a digital strategist, or a Drupal team lead, this session will provide you with valuable insights on executing large-scale multilingual digital transformation programs on Drupal.
Lyubomir Filipov (Lfilipov)
As a client, you want your shiny new Drupal platform to keep working with as few security and performance issues as possible. You also know that all projects require support and maintenance, with software updates being a key part of essential maintenance for every site.
Evgeniy Maslovskiy (Spleshka)
09:15 to 10:00 CET
With hundreds of websites built upon various (and often outdated) technologies, and maintained by cross-cultural teams all across the globe, UNESCO faced by 2020 a major challenge: how to normalize and industrialize this complex ecosystem, connected to various Information Systems, and be able to
Anyone who has ever needed to understand what government benefits them or someone they cared for was entitled to know the web of perplexing rules and regulations involved with lodging a claim.
Suchi Garg (Gargsuchi)
From sourcing the catalogue to conducting a facility-bound survey to delivering insights for world's most loved toy makers, Its a 6 month long process that requires lot of fieldwork and research and honestly doesnt warrant so much time and effort in today's world of set-it-and-forget-it.
Ashish Goyal
At Novartis, one of the world's leading pharmaceutical companies, the Channel Management team faced the daunting task of migrating almost 100 corporate websites, with over 15 million annual page views, from Drupal 7 (Beluga) to Drupal 9 (Arctic).
Over the past years we have created a re-usable Drupal application with a full Commercetools shop integration for a large pan European B2B food retailer. The application is deployed on more than 20 websites and the shops connect with different ERP systems ranging from SAP to custom solutions.
Kerstin Polte (kpolte), Karin Herbst
The Opigno distribution brings great opportunities both for employees as well as customers to serve as a modern Learning Management System (LMS) and add to the value of Nestlé's digital offerings.
Enno Langelotz (Enno), Mariana Solorzano, Antonella Severo
The Estonian Government is using Drupal CMS extensively. In this session, we will introduce the Government Portal - a Drupal distribution that the Estonian Government is using to run the websites of 11 ministries and their agencies.
Ivo Nellis (picco)